A BLOOD donation session is set to go ahead at a local fitness centre tomorrow.

The NHS Blood Donation Team will be hosting a blood donation session at Bridport Leisure Centre on Wednesday, August 4.

The NHS hosts regular blood donor sessions in the leisure centre's sports hall, which are accessible to anyone, members and non-members.

The session will take place from 11am.

The badminton courts will not be available during this time and there will also be no fitness sessions.

Anyone who is considered fit and healthy, weighing between eight and 25 stone and aged between 17 and 66 - or 70 if you they have previous given blood - are eligible to give blood.

Men can give blood every 12 weeks and women can give blood every 16 weeks.

For more information about blood donation or to register to be a donor call NHS Blood Donation on 0300 1232323.