DORSET Council is helping community organisations which were unable to run during the pandemic to get back on their feet financially.

The council is hoping to encourage activity back into community hubs across the county and help Dorset communities to thrive with the funding.

The council have two new grants available which offer small one-off grants between £500 - £2,000. This is to enable community venues, organisations and groups, working at local community level, to restart their activities that have been suspended over the past year due to the pandemic. The annual income of organisations or groups applying should be less than £100,000.

Dorset Council’s small grant funding aims to supports the council's ‘Strong and Healthy Communities’ priority.

The focus for these grants will be to make a one-off donation to cover core costs or essential equipment, to enable ongoing service provision or support community venues to re-open.

These grants are specifically for voluntary and community sector organisations who have not been able to operate due to the Government restrictions.

Applications for the grant end on the 25th of July.