A COMMUNITY allotment has now opened to residents who have been referred by medical professionals.

The team at the Cowshed at Plot 17, located behind the Bridport Medical Centre, have been working hard to ensure the allotment is ready for those who wish to use it.

Designated areas have been laid out with raised flower beds, along with a wheelchair-friendly path giving access to all.

In addition to this, strategically-placed posts have been installed to support anyone who needs to use something to steady themselves.

£320 was raised earlier this year to create a space where people within the community suffering from loneliness, isolation, mental ill-health and long term illness by providing a place for people to spend time with others in the fresh air growing their own fruit and vegetables.

The gate to the plot is directly off the medical centre's car park. There is a large shelter in place where residents can sit,chat, drink tea or just take in the calm beauty of nature.

The plot is already open to members of community through social prescribing - in which health professionals refer patients to support in the community - on Tuesdays from 2pm to 4pm and on Thursdays from 10am to 12pm.