A NEW water fountain in the town centre was officially unveiled by the mayor and town crier at the weekend.

The water fountain in Bucky Doo Square was installed in January but was not made available for public use due to the coronavirus restrictions at the time.

The fountain was officially declared open by Bridport Mayor Ian Bark and town crier John Collingwood on Saturday, June 19.

The water fountain is part of an initiative led by Wessex Water to reduce the negative impacts on UK environments and species by reducing the use of non-reusable plastic drinks bottles. By refilling your own water bottle you are reducing your carbon footprint and supporting the fight against climate change and global warming.

Cllr Bark said: "The Bucky Doo Square water fountain represents a major contribution towards reducing the amount of damage we are doing to our planet.

"We are fortunate in this country to have clean and safe drinking water supplied to our homes and yet for some reason people in this country buy water in plastic bottles. If you stop and think about the environmental impact caused by the delivery of bottled water to your local shop you realise how crazy it is.

"The best way you can help to tackle this huge problem is by carrying a refillable water bottle and using this fountain and hopefully soon others like it in other parts of the town."