BUSINESSES are invited to attend a virtual event exploring how they can support young people with special educational needs as they progress through their careers.

Dorset Careers Hub, part of Dorset Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP), has worked with Dorset and BCP councils to organise this event which will show businesses how they can support young people with special educational needs or disabilities (SEND) to achieve their future career goals.

The free event will take place on May 27 and will last 90 minutes.

Councillor Andrew Parry said: "We respect and value your time and acknowledge this is a potentially busy time of year as Covid-related guidelines start to relax. These events have been designed to only take an hour and a half, but that quick session has potentially significant results for your business. Plus, we're hosting this completely digitally, so you don't need to leave your existing work environment."

Steve Williams, Careers Hub lead, said: "Dorset businesses understand that young people with SEND should have local pathways towards careers and independent living, and they know that it is rewarding in many ways to offer opportunities and support.

"We know they often feel unsure how to engage with schools to tailor their student engagement and work experience appropriately. This event will go a long way to provide clarity and confidence."

For more information and to sign up, visit