DONATIONS to save a community hub in Bridport have 'slowed a bit' after a flying start.

The campaign to raise funds for St Mary's Church House Hall following a difficult financial year due to the pandemic has seen donations stall in recent weeks.

The campaign raised more than £1,200 in its first week - 10 per cent of its £10,000 target - but has only managed to raise around £1,000 more in the month since.

Hall chairman Monty Crook said: "Donations have slowed a bit - as is usual in such ventures - but we have now exceeded £2,680 in total towards our ambitious target of £10,000."

Trustee Simon Wakely said: "With three weeks left for the Crowdfunder campaign to run I'm hoping there will be a ‘last minute’ surge to help the hall through this difficult year and into a brighter 2022."

St Mary's Church House Hall, located next to St Mary's Church on South Street, Bridport has seen a 70 per cent drop in hire income and a 40 per cent drop in reserves over the past year.

Prior to the pandemic, the hall tended to be busy and thriving, hosting regular activities including yoga, slimming, bingo, music, dance, antiques fairs and more. As a result of Covid and the tightened restrictions, the hall was closed for a total of 235 days in 2020 - along with the first four months of 2021.

The centre is run by a management committee of volunteer representatives. The trustees are responsible for all internal upkeep of the hall - even when closed this still includes insurance and utilities, along with the cleaning, maintenance and repair associated with an old building. All income derives from hiring out the hall.

To donate visit - or if preferable make a cheque payable to St Mary’s Church House Hall and send to Church House Hall c/o 97a, North Allington, Bridport DT6 5DZ.