WEST Bay's annual Pirate Day has been cancelled due to the pandemic - but there are hopes a version may go ahead later in the year.

The fun-filled fundraising day had been due to go ahead next month, but has been cancelled for the second consecutive year.

The annual event is a popular family day which sees members of the local community dressing as pirates to raise money for local groups and charities. It also sees games on the green, entertainment and market stalls selling everything from homemade treats to handmade gifts.

The event is organised by West Bay Days - which had to cancel all but one of its annual major events last year. This year, the organisation is planning to merge several of its biggest events into one 'spectacular' day.

A spokesman for the event said: "Sadly due to the ongoing Covid restrictions and government advice, it is with heavy hearts the West Bay Days committee have decided to cancel next month's Pirate Day.

"But don't put away your pirate outfits just yet as we are in the early stages of planning to see how we can safely amalgamate our three main fund raising events, Pirate Day, West Bay Day and Bonfire on the Beach into one spectacular amazing fun-filled day in September.

"Watch this space!"

West Bay Days is a local organisation formed in 2012 and run by a group of dedicated volunteers. It works to support the future of West Bay, organising events for the benefit of the local community and to encourage visitors to the area.

The idea for a Pirate Day began in 2004 when, whilst researching West Bay, members of the West Bay Days team discovered a West Bay in the Cayman Islands, a British colony. This West Bay was similar to our own in all but the weather. The first Pirate Day took place in 2009, when the organisation held an event in aid of Julia's House.

For more information about Pirate Day, and future events run by West Bay Days, visit www.westbay.org.uk