Bridport Medical Centre will be holding a clinic tomorrow to administer second Covid vaccinations to those aged over 80.

Residents have again been urged to consider dropping off patients and pick them up half an hour later as parking will be limited.

The clinic will also see some people in cohorts six and seven receiving their first vaccinations.

The medical centre has requested that those attending vaccination appointments tomorrow - Wednesday, March 17 - refer to its website for important information on what to expect on the day.

A spokesman for Bridport Medical Centre (BMC) said: “Please do ensure you are prepared for the visit, particularly regarding parking at the BMC site. We have volunteer marshals throughout the site to ensure patients are looked after from start to finish.

“We ask those driving our more elderly patients to please drop off and pick up half an hour later as we have even less parking available due to the large marquee.

“We are expecting the weather to be colder - no rain predicted so far. We will try all we can to minimise queues spilling to outside but please do come dressed for all weather.

“Patients in the earlier cohorts may call the Covid booking team on 01308 808714 to book, or may await further contact.”

The team at the surgery will also be collecting as part of a fundraising campaign for ‘The Cowshed at number 17’. The allotment space of Bridport's 'Health and Wellbeing Champions’, located behind the medical centre. 

Donations can also be made here.