A MAJOR study to improve access to Bridport town centre could result in changes to traffic flows.

Residents are now being urged to have their say on the Access & Movement Study which aims to 'improve connectivity' for both pedestrians and motorists.

The News reported work on the plan last year - it is thought a one-way scheme for South Street will be among the issues considered.

The study will build on aspirations set out in the Bridport Neighbourhood Plan, and will initially focus on looking at ways to improve accessibility in the town centre, but the team carrying out the study will also be considering the wider context of the town.

The study is being undertaken by Dorset Council in consultation with the town council with Streets Reimagined and Highgate Transportation commissioned to support the work.

In preparation for the project, the team has researched previous studies and community consultations to inform the process.

Town clerk Will Austin said: "The town council wants as many people as possible to get involved in identifying issues for the town centre, and ideas for improvement.

"The interactive map is designed to be simple to use, so we’d urge people to spend a few minutes giving us their views.

"This won’t be the only time we consult, but the more we hear from the community at the outset, the better the ideas will be when options for the future are produced.”

The study will be carried out in three phases. The first - which began in January - saw all relevant previous studies and community consultation exercises reviewed.

The second stage will run through March and April and will focus on research and analysis. This phase will see the team undertaking a 'targeted outreach' to a diverse range of groups to build a picture of the different experiences of accessing and moving around the town centre. People will also be encouraged to undertake their own analysis and contribute ideas and comments.

At the end of the phase of work the team will present their findings to the Town Centre Working Group.

The final phase will take place in May and will draw on all the analysis and research and lead to the development of a number of illustrated options.

The team will then once again present their findings to the working group and the plan will be submitted to Dorset Council for inclusion in its review of the Local Transport Plan.

Suggestions and comments may be made to Bridport Town Council by visiting www.bridport-tc.gov.uk/accessandmovement/