A FACTORY unit on Bridport’s Dreadnought trading estate is to be used as a gym.

The application, for unit 24, comes from Richard Harvey of the Hurt Locker.

Dorset Council has agreed to the change of use from industrial/storage to gymnasium which proposes to have 6.30am until 9pm opening Monday to Friday; 9am until 9pm on Saturdays and 10am until 3pm on Sundays and bank holidays.

A council report says that there will be no external changes to the unit which is 70 metres from the nearest properties and part of the main central cluster of smaller units.

Bridport town council has supported the change.

Other recently considered Bridport area applications include – 142 Orchard Crescent, single storey rear extension approved. An application to remove a timber framed conservatory and to erect a replacement at 54 West Bay Road was withdrawn from consideration.