THE use of a former farm shop as a home at Waytown Nurseries at Slape Hill has been recognised as legal – although no permission was given for the conversion.

Dorset Council has issued a certificate of lawful use which recognises the change as legitimate.

The council heard that Bridget Eveleigh bought Waytown Farm in the last 1980s and a former residential unit in 1989 with the view of converting it to a farm shop, which was granted permission a year later.

The farm shop continued for almost four years but was unviable and became a general store until, in 2003, the building was converted back to a two bed residential unit with sitting room, bathroom and a separate toilet and has been lived in by the same person ever since, initially helping with a livery and stable business.

Several witnesses gave evidence to back the claim of continual occupation and documentation, including council tax bills, supported the use since 2003.

Dorset Council has agreed that because of the continual use a certificate of lawfulness will be granted.