LOCAL planning decisions affect many aspects of our lives and that’s why I’m calling on us all to respond to the Dorset Local Plan, which is now open for consultation and runs until 15th March.

The Local Plan sets out targets for future housing development in Dorset and not only identifies areas where houses can be built but how many and to what scale. These planning decisions have an impact on the future of our employment, community services, schools, retail, leisure and much more; and that’s why it’s vital that we respond.

I have a strong view about the Local Plan for Dorset. It needs to support our village and local economies and we should not be planning for large-scale developments such as the 1,000 houses proposed at Vearse Farm.

If you feel strongly about it, you must act now to ensure your view is taken into account. You need to ensure that your local Dorset Councillor, who will be able to vote on the Plan in due course, knows your view. It’s important that you also respond to the consultation personally.

I believe our rural economies are not well served by enormous new housing developments of the scale planned on the outskirts of Bridport.

New housing should go to support our local market town and village economies by protecting the future of our village shops, schools, pubs, garages, and churches – rather than enabling urban sprawl.

So, please do respond to this consultation; you will find more details on my website at www.chrisloder.co.uk/localplan, including information on the Local Plan and links to a number of useful online events, webinars and podcasts being run by Dorset Council to support the consultation.

To receive my latest updates from Westminster and West Dorset, please sign up to my newsletter at www.chrisloder.co.uk


MP for West Dorset