Bridport Medical Centre reported another successful Covid vaccination clinic yesterday with almost 1,500 patients treated.

The session was for those patients in the group described as 'Clinically Extremely Vulnerable (CEV), and the centre was supported by local groups in its effort to treat many people over the course of a day.

The centre said the only issue faced was some patients requesting they be given a particular vaccine, that of the University of Oxford/AstraZeneca vaccine, and it is believed that some people got angry when they were told they wouldn't be having it.

The centre said people should not be asking for their particular choice of vaccine and such requests, especially when people get upset and refuse their jab, cause 'confusion and delay' in a busy clinic.

The other vaccine in use is the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine.

The centre said: "We receive stock of both vaccines and may be vaccinating using either vaccine during any session. The clinicians will check suitability for both vaccines as part of the consent process.

"Please do not request, or indeed get angry with our staff, when the vaccine you are being offered is not your preferred choice. This only serves to cause confusion and delay in our incredibly busy clinic. Refusing a suitable vaccine also results in potential wastage and an appointment lost for someone still waiting to be invited.

"The most important thing here is to receive a vaccine."

Meanwhile, the Bridport Coronavirus Support group also posted a message of thanks.

It said: "A huge thank you to all the volunteers who helped out, also a big well done to the Bridport Medical Centre team. Also thank you to Will Austin's team at Bridport Town Council for helping with traffic calming.

"We also had help from local people, groups and businesses."

It listed Michelle Holmes-Good for the treats and coffees, Washingpool Farm for supplies, Lady Bobwomble's Brownies, Punch & Judy bakery for the bacon baguette and Groves Nurseries for keeping the volunteers dry with umbrellas.