A dairy farmer will be seen on television next weekend as a contestant on a new game show alongside some celebrities.

Andrew Frampton, 45, from Broadwindsor, will be taking part in The Wheel, a quiz show hosted by comedian Michael McIntyre.

In each show, seven celebrities, each with a different area of expertise, are strapped to the circumference of a giant wheel.

One of three contestants is sat in the middle of the wheel and, with the help of the celebrities, they must try and answer some general knowledge questions. If they answer incorrectly they will be replaced by a different contestant.

The contestant that is at the centre of the wheel when all seven questions have been answered has the chance to win a potentially life-changing amount of money.

Andrew, who appeared on reality show Chained back in 2001 and game show First and Last in 2019, is excited for his episode to air next Saturday.

He said: "The episode was filmed back in October and I haven't been able to tell anyone what happened so I can't wait for it to be on television."

Tune in to BBC One at 8.30pm on Saturday, January 16 to find out how Andrew gets on.

* The show he was due to appear in was set to be broadcast tommorrow, but Andrew has been told the date has been changed.