I FEEL I had to reply to the letter titled ‘Inconsistent’; because Mr. Jon Harvey obviously has not considered the difficulty, for many, to communicate with those selling their goods.

Not everyone can turn around and walk away if the product needed is important, as in supermarkets.

In normal shops if a customer wants the staff to mask up they can always ask, however, a number of customers have been grateful that the shop assistants are not wearing their masks because the customer, who is vitally important, can see the facial expressions, and if the customer is deaf, or partially deaf, understanding is supplemented by lip reading.

The other issue is wearing a mask all day, particularly in these temperatures. Keep the two metre rule and all will be well, or is it too much bother to consider other members of our society who may well be struggling.

The ‘I’m all right Jack’ attitude appears to be growing every day. Bridport is a fabulous place to live, so please help and be tolerant of those less able than others.

