DURING this pandemic, I have received my Bridport News by post and leave it three days before opening it for safety reasons.

A letter in the 2nd July issue sums up the issue we have regarding environmental pollution but I must admit the irony of the lack of self-knowledge of the writer did make me laugh out loud, very welcome after at 86years of age being literally locked up since the middle of March, initially when my front door lock jammed in the lock position but even since I have not been out.

My laughter was caused by the letter from 70 years plus ‘speeding cars’ lady.

She says how welcome the clear air is, blaming aircraft for pollution and is oblivious to the fact that she quite unnecessarily in my opinion takes out her air polluting car, unless it is electric then she is just wasting electricity which is bad enough, and drives three times a week to get food?

Again, I may be wrong and she lives in a commune and is getting supplies for 25 people not just 1 or 2 persons and cannot fit a week’s supply into her, which surely must be, given she likes clear air, a small, energy efficient car.

The main reason for clear air is the workforce working from home their cars parked in the garage/ drive.

Did she not hear us being asked to stay indoors as much as possible and only go out infrequently to shop, we were even asked not to shop in couples to decrease the footfall, yet it seems this did not apply to her as she went out frequently to get the odd item.

This is so typical of many who just do not consider what they do but quickly criticise others.

I, like many I am sure, have lost weight because when relying on volunteer shopping help, we have just asked for basic necessities and food has become so uninteresting when no choice can be made from a visual selection but are very grateful for this kind help.

Stop looking up to the sky for pollution, look out at your car.