BORIS JOHNSON’S comments on the care home sector have been described as ‘offensive’, ‘insulting’ and ‘damaging’ by a Dorset-based industry leader.

The Prime Minister has come under fire for his recent comments, claiming in an interview on Monday that “too many care homes didn’t follow procedures”.

This upset many in the health care industry who have been on the frontlines in the fight against coronavirus since March.

Raina Summerson, CEO of Agincare, which has several care homes in Dorset, said: “It didn't go down well with the sector at all. It was incredibly disappointing, care teams have worked so hard in such a difficult situation.

“I think most care homes will have followed the guidelines and done their best in the circumstances.

“Quite frankly I think people went over and above the guidance based on their own expertise and knowledge to protect people.

“It's worrying to have this blame culture, it's destructive and it's not what social care needs.

“Care workers are tired, they've had several months of high intensity, emotional work, there is still a lot that they have to manage day to day and now we have the Prime Minister saying that it's our fault.

“Dorset care homes have done so well to help people stay out of hospital so that hospitals were free to look after the most critical people. I think the local care homes have all done a fantastic job with that, working alongside their healthcare colleagues and communities to keep people safe.”

She added: “If we had waited for the government to provide us with PPE we would have been in a far worse situation. The fact is, the care home sector found our own solutions to PPE, found solutions to keeping people safe and connected.

“It's a bit rich that the government now turn around and say this.

“I feel for all the care teams out there who have worked so hard over this time, putting themselves and their families at risk and now being insulted by the suggestion that in some way they are to blame for infections and deaths.

“It is offensive and damaging for our care teams.”


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