AS much as 1,000 litres of oil was stolen from a tank in north Dorset.

The oil was taken from a property in King's Stag during the night of February 27 and February 28.

No arrests have been made as of yet.

Offering advice on how to keep oil tanks secure, a police spokesman said: "Where possible, keep fuel tanks locked and alarmed by installing them within secure buildings or cage. Consider installing anti-siphon devices, keep a check your oil levels regularly and install motion sensing CCTV and lighting.

"If it’s impossible to keep your tank inside a building, consider planting spikey shrubs and use gravel and fencing to hide your tank. Make sure any empty drums are removed to avoid drawing attention to your oil tank and these being used to steal your oil.

"Report any suspicious activity to Dorset Police via our website . If a crime is in progress or there are life threatening incidents, dial 999."