CABINET brief holder for children and education Cllr Andrew Parry has paid a personal tribute to departed executive director of children’s services Sarah Parker.

He told Tuesday’s Dorset Council Cabinet meeting that he wanted to thank her for her support with his role.

“I share Sarah’s priorities in terms of looking after the needs of children, in particular recognising Special Education Needs and Disabilities.

“It was a personal decision (to resign) and I’m sure cabinet would wish to join me in wishing Sarah all the best for the future,” said Cllr Parry.

Around half a dozen parents had attended the meeting to show their support for the former director who they said had been the first to take due account of the needs of their families and fight for the funding they needed to support their children.

Said one campaigner, Anna Veal: “Many more would have been there if it wasn’t for childcare or work. Sarah was formidable and wanted change to happen fast and that’s what Dorset needed, both to improve the lives of unsupported children and to reduce the Higher Needs Block deficit.”

Added Cllr Parry: “Sarah helped construct a vision of placing children at the centre of our work…and this continues at a pace.

“We are continuing with the Blueprint for Change transformation programme, which will now be led by Theresa Leavy, an experienced director of children’s services, who has been working closely with Sarah over recent months.”

He said he wanted to reassure staff and families that the work which had started, would continue.

That process has this now reached the formal consultation stage with notices now going out to staff whose jobs may be affected by the changes. Senior managers will be in position in the New Year and other staff will then be asked to select their preferences for positions within the new framework.

It is expected that the process will be largely completed by the spring without the need for compulsory redundancies. It may result in extra social workers and family workers being recruited.