THE cannabis industry is on a roll.

Over the last year, a budding array of hemp products have started appearing on the high street.

Leading this green revolution is Dorset-based Daiba Organic.

The company sell the compound Cannabidiol (CBD) oil, which has been credited with helping relieve pain and reduce anxiety.

The oil won’t get you high and is legal in the UK and Europe.

It’s currently classified as a food supplement, but you do have to be over-18 to buy it.

Daisy Smith, who runs Daiba Organic with her partner Bart Majkut, have been selling CBD products since 2017.

Daiba Organic’s range of CBD infused products include crafted organic oils, tea and chocolate.

Daisy and Bart recommend taking a few drops daily orally or adding to your favourite drinks or recipes.

The oil is grown organically and in accordance with the European Union law.

To extract the oil from the plant they use a cold press extraction process, which ensures the best quality oil with no heat damage.

Daisy, 33, says: “More people are becoming aware of the benefits of hemp and CBD products. It’s moving away from the previous associations of recreational drug use to the more beneficial properties of CBD. Our oil is 100 per cent organic and our products’ packaging are eco and vegan-friendly.”

The pair describe cannabis as a versatile and powerful plant, packed full of flavour and fragrance, with a whole range of natural benefits.

A World Health Organisation (WHO) report suggests CBD oil could be used to treat anxiety and depression but in spite of the reported health benefits, NHS England’s website said the quality and content of many cannabis-based products is not known. It reads: “Some products that might claim to be medicinal cannabis, such as CBD oil or hemp oil, are available to buy legally as food supplements from health stores. But there’s no guarantee these are of good quality or provide any health benefits.”

Daisy added: “Most of our followers are quite astute and already aware of the growing popularity and benefits of CBD products. Our oil is perfectly safe to use, and we make sure we choose the right plants at our farms. CBD oil is currently classified as a food supplement and not a medicine. The government legislation is very strict with claiming any medical benefits, but I can only say that we have many happy customers that are using our oil and they are finding life a lot more pleasant!”

Here’s one of Daiba Organic’s recipes, created in collaboration with Epi-Foods, to try at home.

CBD Power Balls SkinFood Ingredients (basic dough): 100g dates, soaked for at least 4 hours or overnight 100g roasted almonds 1 or 2 full droppers of Daiba CBD Oil 5.5% Toppings (optionally): Coconut flakes Matcha ranberry Powder Linseed Grated Almonds Cocoa nibs Grated Daiba CBD Chocolate Preparation: Blend your soaked dates to a fine puree. Chop the roasted almonds with a large knife and mix with the date puree and Daiba CBD Oil into a dough. Form small balls from this dough. Roll these balls through any ingredient from the "Toppings" list above and garnish on a plate or wrap in sandwich paper.

* Daiba products are also stocked at Sunrise Organics and Earth Foods