Motorists are being warned to be vigilant as the colder months usually see a spike in oil and diesel fuel thefts.

Where possible, you should keep fuel tanks locked up and alarmed and consider installing tanks within a secure building or cage, Dorset Police advises.

If it’s impossible to keep your tank inside a building, police advise you to consider planting spikey shrubs and fencing to hide your tank and surround the area around the tank with gravel.

Consider installing anti-siphon devices, keep a check your oil levels regularly and install motion sensing CCTV and lighting - CCTV can now be linked to your phone.

Make sure any empty drums around your home of farm are removed to avoid drawing attention to your oil tank and these then being used to steal your oil.

For more advice, visit

Report any suspicious activity to Dorset Police on 101or via

If you wish to remain anonymous, call Rural Crimestoppers 0800 783 0137.