Bakers, makers and craftspeople shared their homemade cakes, tasters and tea with customers to mark 100 years of country markets.

Producers at Bridport Country Market celebrated the milestone birthday with a cake, shared memories and photos of past markets, events and celebrations, and offered free tasters.

The cake was cut by Steven, a very loyal customer of the Bridport market who has been first in the queue for the last 25 years when the doors open at 9am.

Bridport Country Market started in 1960 with a Women’s Institute (WI) street stall and still takes place every morning at the WI Hall in North Street from 9am to 12 noon.

Country markets were established by the WI, with the first market taking place in Lewes, east Sussex, to sell surplus produce in 1919. This was a collaborative effort between a number of WIs and is usually recognised as the first WI market. In 1995, the markets separated from the WI.

A spokesperson for Bridport Country Market said: “Although country markets separated from the WI, the members still adhere to the principles of selling top quality, home cooked food, craft, home grown produce and plants, direct from maker to customer.

“They have many very loyal customers who come every Saturday but love to see new faces, so go and try some home produce - cakes, savouries, preserves, meat and plants.

“The market also needs new producers, so if you can cook, craft or have garden produce you would be interested in selling, please come and visit any Saturday morning in North Street.”