Julie Frew (Postbag, June 13) says that it’s depressing to see objections to a proposed housing development on farmland in North Allington.

It’s important to note that this site has been assessed three times as unsuitable for housing development. It is perhaps even more important to note that while the applicant says 35 per cent would be affordable, there’s no commitment in the application to any singlebedroom or affordable rented accommodation – two of our most-needed types in Bridport according to the most recent Housing Needs Assessment.

There’s also no indication of how the 35 per cent would be kept genuinely affordable in the longterm.

Bridport town councillors wanted to talk to the applicant with the public present, to see how they could adapt the proposals to ensure they meet local need, but they told me they’d only meet in private. I’d say it’s this closed attitude to involving the community that is depressing.

Town Clerk, Bridport Town Council