Travellers have returned to West Bay Road car park. Three caravans appeared there on Saturday afternoon. I am uncertain of their proposed length of stay, but they are unauthorised and not permitted on that car park. Let's hope the matter is resolved before any more caravans join them.

The fine weather saw most car parks full to capacity at the weekend and some motorists were parking illegally on the 'clearway' along Marsh Barn Road. Fixed penalty notices will be issued to all those contravening the 'clearway' regulations - be warned.

Last Thursday's Annual General Meeting of the West Bay Community Forum was attended by a modest number of interested people. As well as the usual business, those present heard the chairman, John West, give an account of the previous year's activities. All the officers and committee members were re-elected unopposed. The guest speaker was unable to attend due to illness so Jo Hackett, of the West Bay Beach Clean Group, gave a very interesting talk on the subject of coastal pollution with particular emphasis on bio beads - tiny plastic beads used in water treatment works, amongst other things. These have been washed up on the promenade beach at West Bay in addition to other plastics. Apparently the Environment Agency does not recognise plastic in any form as a pollutant. which I find quite amazing. Did you know that 98.6 per cent of dead Fulmars were found to have ingested plastic in one form or another.

Watch out for hundreds of motor cyclists taking part in this year's Action on Addiction ride from Weymouth to Exmouth via West Bay on Sunday. This annual charity event raises awareness and funds for Clouds House.

I am grateful to Mrs Jon Hawker who has found a photograph of St. John's Sunday School children in their Nativity play in December 1948. She has named most of the children, but if readers of the Bridport News can give further help please contact me at