AMONG the individuals to receive special thanks for their contribution to carnival was police Inspector Steve Davenport who has just left Bridport after two years.

Insp Davenport, along with Bridport and West Bay beat officers PCs Scott McGregor and Caroline Orchard, and specials coordinator Bob Fowler, oversaw the policing of events.

Carnival chairman Shaun Fox said the committee was especially grateful for the support Insp Davenport had shown in helping allow the carnival to run smoothly in the two years he had been in town.

Insp Davenport said: "I have really enjoyed my time here. Bridport is really a very special place to work, but things never stand still, and an opportunity came my way that I couldn't say no to. It has been an absolute pleasure. Thank you to everybody. I really enjoyed the torchlight procession in particular, and wish everybody every success for the future."

Mel Hosking, wife of carnival treasurer Simon Hosking, was thanked for her work behind the scenes, particularly in organising the Carnival princesses and attendants.

Gemma, Becky and Kirsty Fox, the daughters of Mr Fox and his wife Sharon, who is also a committee member, were thanked for all their help making the tea, cleaning and generally anything that needs doing for carnival.

Betty Scadding was thanked for her help in organising the Misplaced Article competition in the carnival programme. This year over 60 businesses took part thanks to her efforts and the carnival committee said an impressive number of entry forms had been received.

Another person who received a deserving thank you was Jill Merritt. Mr Fox said: "She beavers away behind the scenes at nearly every carnival event."

Also thanked was Scott Bowley, of the main 2007 carnival sponsor Austen Whetham and Guest solicitors.

Mr Bowley said: "I have really enjoyed it. This bunch of people have really worked hard and it is fantastic what they do. A small group pull off a really good event. Hats off to them."

The main sponsor for 2008 will be Fowler Trading Estates, who also sponsored the event ten years ago in 1998.

Richard Fowler said: "We are delighted to be sponsors again. All the hard work and effort that the community and everybody puts in makes it work and we are delighted to support that as a local business. We look forward to working with the community and hopefully next year will be as good as this year's carnival."