The final preparations for a town's First World War commemorations are underway.

From the end of October, poppies will adjourn every lamp post in Charmouth to mark 100 years since the end of the First World War and to remember those who lost their lives during the war.

The project was started by Linda Bearpark and Ben Perry in March, with the aim to raise enough money for poppies across the town as well as a silent soldier statue.

The fundraising raised more than £1,600 in eight weeks, and saw the community react very positively, with £775 raised for the Silent Soldier Statute, and £850 for The Poppy Appeal.

Each Poppy cost £5, meaning that enough for 155 poppies has been raised, which will go in place on all lamp posts, particularly around the school to promote a reaction from the children.

On whether she was surprised by the response at the start of the project, Linda said: "We were hoping for a good response but the speed it happened at the beginning of the year was great.

"We have enough poppies to go on most of the posts on and around Charmouth, especially on the posts leading down to the school, so it may start the children asking questions.

"We have the help of the local fire crew and a few locals are going to help.

"They will all be placed in time for the remembrance fortnight.

"With "Tommy" and the poppies being supported by the villagers and friends it is lovely to know that we shall not forget."

The project has been supported by Charmouth Parish Council.

Peter Noel, chairman of Charmouth Parish Council, said: "We are delighted to support Linda and Ben's efforts and, in this connection, as we have done previously, we will be lighting a beacon on Sunday, November 11 at 7pm at Charmouth Foreshore as part of the countrywide commemorations. It is obviously very important to show our solidarity.

"It is important that we never forget the huge contributions that people made in the past and that this memory is passed down to the younger generation."

Linda has said that she will be pleased when the project has ended, and that people should be proud of the achievement the town made in such a small space of time.

She said: "It will be lovely to have closure on all the fund raising so people can be proud of what they can achieve as a small, caring village.

"Thank you everyone who donated each pound to this excellent cause."