BINGO is back at St Andrew’s Community Hall. This Friday the monthly sessions return after the summer lay-off, with a special ‘harvest’ theme. Doors open at 7pm for a 7.30pm start.

On Saturday Charmouth Senior Citizens Christmas Lunch Fund host a coffee morning at the village hall, from 10.30am-noon. In addition to the usual hot drinks there will be a bric-a-brac stall, books for sale and a raffle.

Following a successful grant application to buy the relevant equipment, Charmouth Central Community Library will shortly be in a position to start a film club.

If you are interested visit the library to ‘sign up’ or contact Hazel Robinson at hazelrosery@ There will also be an under-15 club if there is enough interest.

On the subject of the library, the AGM is due to take place next week, on October 25, at 6pm. There are still a few positions to be filled, including that of chairman as Hazel Robinson stands after three years of hard work. Anyone with an interest in the future of the village’s library is encouraged to step forward for this or other roles on the committee. For further information, contact Hazel on the email address above.

Although outside Charmouth, BSharp is a great musical initiative for children around the area – they are also involved in Charmouth School. At the end of this month the ‘Amazing Singing Project’ begins, with professional coaching for children aged 11-19 years, which could culminate with performance at Exeter Cathedral.

More details can be found at the BSharp website, or email

Neil Harvey