The local Registered Members Group of the Royal Air Forces Association (RAFA) continued their ‘Wings Week’ events with a lunch on September 18 and church service on September 21.

The lunch, held at Highlands End saw around 40 members and friends sit down to an excellent three-course meal. Following the meal the Chaplain of the local Royal Naval Association, Canon Andrew Evans, spoke of the anniversary of Operation Market Garden, the airbourne assault on Arnhem.

Canon Eveans pointed out that this was probably the biggest airborn assault carried out by the Royal Air Force and in which Transport Command earned their only Victoria Cross, through Flight Lieutenant David Lord of No 271 Squadron.

The service on Sunday was held at St. Johns Church West Bay and was conducted by the Groups Chaplain the Reverend Janis Moore assisted by Reverend Peter Stone. It was attended by members of the RAFA, the RNA, the RBL and members of the public. The former chairman of the Bridport and Lyme Regis Branch, Mr. John Hill, read the poem ‘High Flight’ by John Magee. The lesson from Ephesians 6, v11-18 was read by Sallyanne Stoodley and the dedication was given by Mr Mark Seymour. After the service a number of the congregation retired to Haddon House Hotel for a Dorset cream tea and chat.