On Tuesday, September 23, the draw was made for the 100 Club for Moving On.

The prize was a voucher, very kindly given by Liza Adams of ‘Twist and Shout’, for a consultation and treatment up to the value of £49.

The club’s thanks also goes to all the people who bought a number for the draw which raised £105.

The lucky winner was Margaret Pestelle of Chideock. She was presented with her prize by Peter Tobutt, who is the chairman of Moving On.

Moving On is a social club for people in the area who have suffered from mental illness but who are now on the road to recovery.

The money raised will be a great help in running the club, which meets on Tuesday mornings from 10.30am to 1.30pm at the Youth and Community Centre at the bottom of Gundry Lane in Bridport.

The club’s new facilitator, Esther, can be contacted on 07503 547152 by anyone interested in becoming a member or a volunteer.