DESPITE the awful weather, three new members and three visitors joined regulars at the February monthly meeting of Colmer WI on February 13.

Putting the traumas of climate aside, we were off to the mysterious orient, into the realms of ancient China, and sharing with Pam Ladd some of her long study of an association with the art of Tai Chi.

Evolving from the martial arts, Tai Chi has spread to the west, but it is still widely practiced throughout China.

In open spaces and parks people carry out the exercises as part of their life routine and schools include it in their day.

The exercises suit all ages and help physical fitness as well as relaxing the mind. To prove her point, Pam has everyone joining in some exercises and everybody thoroughly enjoyed the experience.

She also gave a demonstration with a beautifully decorated fan using a routine which originated from martial arts.

It was to an invigorated but at the same time relaxed audience but president Valerie Gierth dealt with the more mundane matters of business and future plans.

The A Skittles team put up a valiant fight in the second round, winning their first match but finally losing to Walditch.

The walkers braved the elements and mud and took time out at the Ellipse Cafe in West Bay before finally making their way back to base camp and await the next challenge.

The March meeting will be an open meeting and we look forward to other WI members and friends joining us to hear Bruce Upton joining us again to talk on villages and village life.