AN EXHIBITION offering glimpses into LGBTQ experience through the British Museum’s collection can be seen at Shire Hall, Dorchester, from September 21 to November 17.

Desire, love, identity: Exploring LGBTQ Histories is based upon Professor Richard Parkinson’s award-winning book, A Little Gay History.

Same-sex love and desire and gender diversity are integral to human experience. The way they have been expressed culturally has varied widely globally and over time.

Ranging chronologically from ancient history to the present day, the display challenges us to question our assumptions about the past. As well as famous figures like the poet Sappho, and the Roman emperor Hadrian and his beautiful lover Antinous, the display also reflects the experiences and lives of those whose names are lost to us, what the novelist E.M. Forster memorably described as a

‘…great unrecorded history.’

The exhibition features modern and contemporary works by artists such Augusta Kaiser (1895-1932), Bhupen Khakar (1934-2003), David McDiarmid (1952-95) and Otsuka Takashi (b.1948) reflecting more recent perspectives. The exhibition will be open daily from 10am to 5pm.