The Bridport Probus Club met again this month, where they learned of the recent death of member Denis Wicks, who as torpedo officer on HMS Musketeer, contributed to the sinking of the Scharnhorst at the battle of North Cape in December 1943 by hitting her with three of his four torpedoes.

Denis was mentioned in dispatches and later awarded the Arctic Medal for his convoy escort work.

The speaker at the August meeting was a local, the Rev Efrida Savigear, who described the varied and difficult career path she took to priesthood, together with the tortuous geographical path she took to Bridport in eighteen moves.

The talk was illustrated with various memorabilia and much enjoyed by those present. The speaker at the July lunch meeting was Professor Philip Howse, a noted lepidopterist.

He was due to talk on the ‘History of Silk’ but instead spoke about the Amazon basin.

Members learned of the behaviour of various giant moths and the reasons for their colours and wing patterns, as well as slides of moths camouflaging themselves to avoid the attention of predators. Professor Howse praised the efforts now being made by the Brazilian Government to preserve their rain forests and prevent further deforestation.

The Bridport and District Probus Club is for retired professional and business folk, and welcome new members. The programme of talks and activities can be found at

Richard Buscall