DUBBED ‘the poet of the Dorset coast’, acclaimed artist Alex Lowery’s latest paintings shine a low angled light on the landscapes of West Bay, Portland and Bath, and are now on display in a latest exhibition at Sladers Yard.

Alex’s cool, distilled evocations of places on the Dorset coast and now the city of Bath convey a potent atmosphere.

Cast of Light is now on display at Sladers Yard every day in West Bay until September 4. His luminous, exploratory and beautifully structured paintings are unpeopled, but full of evidence of life and the intriguing paintings play on the mind long after viewing them.

Rhythms in the regularities and irregularities of rows of posts catching the light or bollards in silhouette point up the wide open expanses of hill, sea and sky.

His ability to find freedom within constraint creates an astonishingly uplifting effect.

In easily ignored corners of West Bay and Portland, Alex’s eyes find images at once contemporary and timeless.

An ambitious and distinctive artist, he sets the looming rock face of Portland against suburban housing, sheds and shifting shingle at the edge of the Chesil Bank, transforming this particular, transitional and edgy place with his changing radiant light.

Born in London, Alex studied at Bath Academy, Sir John Cass School of Art and the Central School of Art.

Today, he lives in Charmouth with the artist Vanessa Gardiner and their daughter Jessie, showcasing his work across Dorset.

Sladers Yard represents an artist-led stand against a careless, throw-it-away mentality. Richard Latterham’s works are also currently on display at the gallery.

n Alex Lowery: Cast of Light showing at Sladers Yard in West Bay until September 4.