STINKY, tasty and fabulous in butter on bread - garlic is a kitchen stalwart. It could be a key ingredient for keeping healthy too.

Garlic could help protect the brain- some studies have also linked garlic with lower risks of developing age-related brain diseases, including dementia. It’s believed this could be due to garlic’s antioxidant contents - which, in the case of garlic, largely lies in its sulphuric compounds, the stuff that also makes it stinky!

Anti-inflammatory properties - Garlic’s often hailed for its anti-inflammatory properties, thanks to all that sulphur.

Beating high blood pressure - Consuming high levels of salt is one of the single biggest risk factors for high blood pressure. Jazz up sauces, soups, stews and dressings with garlic, rather than reaching for the salt shaker. Studies have also found that garlic extracts can directly reduce blood pressure.

All about the allicin - a powerful antioxidant/antibacterial/anti-fungal compound found in garlic has also been linked with protecting heart health.